JEOL 8200 EOS Electron Optical System Monitor


Launch EOS Monitor

On JEOL EPMA Main Menu, Monitor, Select EOS Monitor


Filament Button

Filament set at standby of 90


Filament set at typical saturation level


Auto Filament Saturation Window


Accelerating Voltage


Condenser Lens Control – Probe Current Control


Scan Control (launched from Signal, Mode, and Speed Buttons)


Magnification Control


Probe Diameter Control – Beam Diameter in microns


Objective Lens Control – DAC Values not readily understood by humans


Right Hand Side of EOS Monitor



Contrast and Brightness Control


Collector Control – Secondary Electron Collector Voltage Control


Shift Control – Centering of Electron Beam with Probe Scan turned on


Spot Control – Position of SGSP Green Cross Hair on OS-9 Monitor


Rotation Control – Scan Rotation Value